Powder developers are used specifically as part of the fluorescent penetrant inspection process and as such, PD3 powder developer is used in conjunction with Britemor penetrants.
When applied correctly, powder developers will enhance the definition and brilliance of indications when viewed under suitable UV light of peak wavelength of 365 nanometres.
Method of Application
PD3 may be applied to the surface under test by dust storm cabinet, electrostatic spray or by hand using a powder bulb.
Final inspection should take place after a developing period of 10 minutes minimum, although some procedures may specify a longer developing time, particularly for the inspection of critical parts.
PD3 powder developer is a free flowing, white fluffy powder and is a blend of amorphous, inert white powders with high development capacity. PD3 is asbestos-free.
Typical Properties
Flash Point : Non-flammable Bulk Density : 100-180 kg/m3 Particle size : Sub-micron – 25 micron
Safety guidance
Before operating the process described it is important that this complete document, together with any relevant Safety Data sheets, be read and understood.
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Chemetall GmbH The above details have been compiled to the best of our Trakehner Str. 3 knowledge on the basis of thorough tests and with regard to the 60487 Frankfurt, Germany current state of our long practical experience. No liabilities or guarantees deriving from or in connection with this leaflet can be imputed to us. Reproduction, in whole or in part, only with our express permission.